AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOselected.Note: Some routers mayshare the default SSID.Are you connecting to the correctWi-Fi network?SStteepp 33Connect to the correct Wi-Finetwork. For more information, seeConnecting the Printer to a Wi-FiNetwork.Can the printer connect to the Wi-Finetwork?The problem is solved. Go to step 4.SStteepp 44Check the wireless security mode.From the control panel, navigate to:SSeettttiinnggss >> NNeettwwoorrkk//PPoorrttss >>WWiirreelleessss >> WWiirreelleessss SSeeccuurriittyyMMooddee.For non-touch-screen printermodels, press OOKK to navigatethrough the settings.Is the correct wireless security modeselected?Go to step 6. Go to step 5.SStteepp 55Select the correct wireless securitymode.Can the printer connect to the Wi-Finetwork?The problem is solved. Go to step 6.SStteepp 66Make sure that you entered thecorrect network password.Note: Take note of thespaces, numbers, andcapitalization in thepassword.Can the printer connect to the Wi-Finetwork?The problem is solved. Contact Contacting CustomerSupport.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 227Troubleshooting