AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOIs the printer printing slow?SStteepp 55a. Make sure that the printersettings for texture and weightmatch the paper being loaded.From the control panel, navigateto: SSeettttiinnggss >> PPaappeerr >> MMeeddiiaaCCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn >> MMeeddiiaa TTyyppeessFor non-touch-screen printermodels, press OOKK to navigatethrough the settings.Note: Rough papertexture and heavypaper weight may printmore slowly.b. Print the document.Is the printer printing slow?Go to step 6. The problem is solved.SStteepp 66Remove held jobs.Is the printer printing slow?Go to step 7. The problem is solved.SStteepp 77a. Make sure that the printer is notoverheating.• Allow the printer to cooldown after a long print job.• Observe the recommendedambient temperature for theprinter. For moreinformation, see Selecting aLocation for the Printer.b. Print the document.Is the printer printing slow?Refer to Contacting CustomerSupport.The problem is solved.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 221Troubleshooting