Selecting a Location for the Printer• Leave enough room to open trays, covers, and doors and to install hardware options.• Set up the printer near an electrical outlet.CCAAUUTTIIOONN——PPOOTTEENNTTIIAALL IINNJJUURRYY:: To avoid the risk of fire or electrical shock, connect the powercord to an appropriately rated and properly grounded electrical outlet that is near the product andeasily accessible.CCAAUUTTIIOONN——SSHHOOCCKK HHAAZZAARRDD:: To avoid the risk of electrical shock, do not place or use thisproduct near water or wet locations.• Make sure that airflow in the room meets the latest revision of the ASHRAE 62 standard or the CEN TechnicalCommittee 156 standard.• Provide a flat, sturdy, and stable surface.• Keep the printer:– Clean, dry, and free of dust– Away from stray staples and paper clips– Away from the direct airflow of air conditioners, heaters, or ventilators– Free from direct sunlight and humidity extremes• Observe the recommended temperature and avoid fluctuationsOperating temperature: 10–32.2° C (50–90° F)Storage temperature: 15.6–32.2° C (60–90° F)• Allow the following recommended amount of space around the printer for proper ventilation:11 Top 254 mm (10 in.)22 Rear 102 mm (4 in.)33 Right side 76 mm (3 in.)44 Xerox® C410 Color Printer User GuideSet up, Install, and Configure