MMEENNUU IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN– Custom FilterAAdddd LLooggiinn MMeetthhooddKerberos SetupGeneral Simple Kerberos File• KDC Address• KDC Port• RealmImport Kerberos File• BrowseMiscellaneous Settings• Character Encoding– UTF-8– PC-858– ISO 8859–2– ISO 8859–5– ISO 8859–9• Disable Reverse IP LookupsControl group or user access to printer functions,applications, and security settings.C E RT I F I C AT E M A N A G E M E N TImportant: Certificate Management is a System Administrator function. Sometimes this option is hiddenfrom view. For more information, refer to Embedded Web Server Administrator Guide at IITTEEMM DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNCCoonnffiigguurree CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee DDeeffaauullttss• Common Name• Organization Name• Unit Name• Country/Region• Province Name• City Name• Subject Alternate NameSet the default values for generated certificates.DDeevviiccee CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess Generate, delete, or view device certificates.MMaannaaggee CCAA CCeerrttiiffiiccaatteess Load, delete, or view Certificate Authority (CA)certificates.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 149Use Printer Menus