AACCTTIIOONN YYEESS NNOOSStteepp 111 Perform Color Adjust.From the control panel, navigateto: SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntt >> QQuuaalliittyy >>AAddvvaanncceedd IImmaaggiinngg >> CCoolloorrAAddjjuusstt.2 Print the document.Is the print light?Go to step 2. The problem is solved.SStteepp 221 Depending on your operatingsystem, reduce the tonerdarkness from the PrintingPreferences or Print dialog.Note: You can alsochange the setting onthe printer controlpanel. Navigate to:SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntt >>QQuuaalliittyy >> TToonneerrDDaarrkknneessss.2 Print the document.Is the print light?Go to step 3. The problem is solved.SStteepp 331 Turn off Color Saver.From the control panel, navigateto: SSeettttiinnggss >> PPrriinntt >> QQuuaalliittyy >>CCoolloorr SSaavveerr.2 Print the document.Is the print light?Go to step 4. The problem is solved.SStteepp 441 Depending on your operatingsystem, specify the paper typefrom the Printing Preferences orPrint dialog.Note: Make sure thatthe settings matchesthe paper loaded in thetray.Go to step 5. The problem is solved.Xerox® C410 Color Printer User Guide 193Troubleshooting