Page 105FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualrtty text MeMoryexaMPle of ConneCting rtty CoMMuniCations deviCeConnect the RTTY communications TU (Terminal Unit) to the rear panel RTTY/PKT terminal. Be sure to read the in-structions manual of the device to connect when connecting.Phrases (up to 50 characters) frequently used in RTTY transmission can be memorized by connecting the supplied “FH-2” Remote Control Keypad to the rear panel REM jack. 5 channels can be memorized, and memorized content can betransmitted by operations on the FH-2.text Message PrograMMing1. Press the [MODE] button to set the operating modeto RTTY.2. Press the FH-2 [MEM] key. A blinking “REC” iconwill appear in the display.3. Press an FH-2 [1] ~ [5] key to select the desiredRTTY Text Memory Register into which you wish toprogram the text, the blinking “REC” icon will dis-appear.4. Use the FH-2 [t] and [] keys to set the cursor po-sition and use the FH-2 [p] and [q] keys to choosethe letter/number to be programmed in each slot ofthe memory.adviCe :You may also use the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob to pro-gram the message characters.5. When the message is complete, add the “ ” characterat the end to signify the termination of the message.6. Press and hold in the FH-2 [MEM] key for one sec-ond to exit, once all characters (including “ ”) havebeen programmed.rTTy (raDiO TeleType) O peraTiOnon -the -air rtty text Message PlayBaCkPress the FH-2 [1] ~ [5] key, depending on which RTTYText Memory Register message you wish to transmit.The programmed message will be transmitted on the air.adviCe :You can adjust RTTY data output level using Menu item“096 RTTY OUT LEVEL”.RTTY TEXTQ EC QC QC D W X D CSPOdBWRTTY TEXT