Page 130 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualinsTallaTiOn OF O pTiOnal accessOriesFc-40 eXteRnAl AUtoMAtic AntennA tUneR (FoR WiRe AntennA)The FC-40 makes use of the control circuitry built into the transceiver, which allows the operator to control and monitorautomatic operation of the FC-40, which mounts near the antenna feedpoint. The FC-40 uses specially selected,thermally stable components, and is housed in a waterproof case to withstand severe environmental conditions with highreliability.A carefully-chosen combination of solid-state switching components and high-speed relays allows the FC-40 to matcha wide variety of antennas to within a 2:1 SWR on any amateur band frequency (160 through 6 meters), typically in lessthan eight seconds. Transmitter power required for matching may be as little as 4 - 60 Watts, and matching settings areautomatically stored in memory for instant recall when the same frequency range is selected later.Please see the FC-40 Operating Manual for detailed information.Interconnections to FTDX 3000After mounting the FC-40, connect the cables from theFC-40 to the ANT and TUNER jacks on the rear panelof the FTDX 3000 Transceiver.Antenna Cable (5 m)Control Cable (5 m)GNDAntenna TerminalInstall the supplied ferritec o r e a s c l o s e t o t h econnector as possible.Wrap the ends of the waterproofcap with the supplied sealingtape to protect against moistureingress.NoteWhen the FC-40 is connected to the FTDX 3000,TX GND (pin 2) of the TUNER jack and theLINEAR jack (pin 2) are common circuits.Therefore, the maximum voltage at TX GND (pin2) of the LINEAR jack must not exceed +5V.