Page 132 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualinsTallaTiOn OF O pTiOnal accessOriesRF μtUning KitThe RF μTuning Kits provide ultra-sharp RF selectivity for the front end of the transceiver. Very high Q is madepossible by the narrow-band design. Three RF μTuning Kits are available. The MTU-160 covers the 1.8 MHz band. TheMTU-80/40 covers the 3.5 and 7 MHz bands. The MTU-30/20 covers 10.1 and 14 MHz bands.The narrow bandwidth is especially useful on the low bands, when many strong signals are being received via NVISpropagation (Near Vertical-Incidence Signals) within a narrow bandwidth. The added protection for the receiver RFstages is especially helpful in preventing IMD and blocking.DC INDC INANTANTGNDGND μ-TUNE TOμ-TUNE TO μ-TUNEFROMμ-TUNEFROMRF Cable(Supplied with RF μTUNING KIT)RF Cable*RF Cable*RF Cable*RF Cable*RF Cable*RF Cable (Supplied with RF μTUNING KIT)CNTL Cable(Supplied with RF μTUNING KIT)*: Supplied with RF μTUNING KITCNTL Cable*CNTL Cable* CNTL Cable*μ-TUNEμ-TUNERF INRF INRF INRF INRF OUTRF OUTRF OUTRF OUTMulti ConnectionMulti ConnectionInstallationAssemble the RF μTuning Unit according to the “RFμTuning Kit Installation Manual” supplied with the RFμTuning Kit.Interconnections to FTDX 3000Connect each cable (supplied with the RF μTuningKit) between the RF μTuning Unit and the FT DX 3000Transceiver.Advicer The RF connecting cables are colorcoded (black and gray) to assist inproperly connecting the RF IN andRF OUT jacks. (See illustration)r An improper connection willnot damage the RF μTuning Kit.However, improper operation mayoccur.r Connect the color-coded controlc a b l e ( s ) b e t w e e n t h e C N T LO U T a n d C N T L I N j a c k s(see illustration). Confirm allconnections before turning on thetransceiver.r If the FT DX 3000 does not operateand the frequency display blinkssometimes, confirm and correctthe “CNTL IN” and “CNTL OUT”connections on the RF μTuningUnit.r The order of connecting multipleRF μTuning Units is not important.