Page 90 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualFM MODe O peraTiOn[MODE] Button[MOX] Button[MIC/SPEED] Knob Main Tuning Dial KnobbAsic OperATiOn1. Press the [MODE] button repeatedly, until the “FM”icon appears in the display, to select the FM operat-ing mode.2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select the de-sired operating frequency. Pressing the microphone[UP] or [DWN] buttons will cause frequency changein 5 kHz steps.3. Press the microphone PTT switch (or press the frontpanel [MOX] button) to transmit. Speak into the mi-crophone in a normal voice level. Release the PTTor [MOX] switch to return to receive.4. Adjustment of the microphone gain may be accom-plished in two ways. At the factory, a default levelhas been programmed that should be satisfactory formost situations. However, using Menu item “084FM MIC GAIN”, you may set a different fixed value,or choose the “MCVR” option, which then lets youuse the front panel [MIC/SPEED] knob to set themicrophone gain in the FM mode.A dvice : You may change the tuning step of the Main TuningDial knob via Menu item “153 AM/FM DIAL STEP”. You may change the tuning step of the microphone[UP]/[DWN] button via the Menu item “157 FMCH STEP”. The Transmit Monitor is another helpful way to veri-fy proper adjustment of the FM MIC Gain. By press-ing the [MONI] button, you will be able to hear thedifferences in deviation as you make adjustments. FM is only used in the 28 MHz and 50 MHz Ama-teur bands covered by the FT DX 3000. Please do notuse FM on any other bands.