Page 34 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual8. Press the [MODE] button to select the desired oper-ating mode.Repeated presses of the [MODE]button step through the available se-lections.Pressing and holding the [MODE]button will toggle to the alternate mode.For example, In the LSB or USB modes, pressingand holding the [MODE] button toggles between“LSB” and “USB” mode.A dvice : By convention in the Amateur bands, LSB isused on the 7 MHz and lower bands (with theexception of 60 meters), while USB is utilized onthe 14 MHz and higher bands. When changing modes from SSB to CW, youwill observe a frequency shift on the display.This shift represents the BFO offset between the“zero beat” frequency and the audible CW pitch(tone) you can hear (the pitch is programmed viathe Menu item “064 CW FREQ DISPLAY”), eventhough the actual tone that you hear is not chang-ing. When operating on the FM mode, rotate the [RF/SQL] (Squelch) knob clockwise to the pointwhere the background noise is just silenced. Thisis the point of maximum sensitivity to weak sig-nals. Excessive advancement of the [RF/SQL]knob will decrease the ability of the receiver todetect weak signals.You may switch the [RF/SQL] knob from the RFGain Function to the Squelch Function via Menuitem “036 RF/SQL VR”.Basic O peraTiOn:receiving On aMaTeur BanDs9. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to tune around theband, and begin normal operation.A dvice : Clockwise rotation of the Main Tuning Dial knobincreases the operating frequency, one “step”of the synthesizer at a time; similarly, counter-clockwise rotation of the Main Tuning Dial knobwill decrease the frequency. Two settings, one“normal” and one “fast”, are available for eachoperating mode. Pressing the [FAST] buttonengages the “Fast” tuning selection (see chart be-low). The tuning steps for the Main Tuning Dial knobare set, at the factory, to 10 Hz (SSB, CW), 50Hz (RTTY/DATA) and 100 Hz (AM/FM) perstep. Via Menu items “151 CW DIAL STEP”to “155 SSB DIAL STEP”, however, you maychange these settings from 10 Hz to 1 or 5 Hz(SSB, CW), 5 Hz to 1 or 10 Hz (RTTY, DATA),100 Hz to 10 Hz (AM, FM) instead.MAiN tuNiNg diAl KNob tuNiNg RAte If you want to effect rapid frequency change,there are several techniques available: Direct keyboard entry of the frequency. Use the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob to tune in 1MHz steps. Use the microphone’s [UP]/[DWN] scanningkeys, if your microphone is so equipped.opeRAtiNg ModeLSB/USB/CWAM/FMRTTY/DATANumbers in parentheses indicate steps when the [FAST] button is On.1 Step10 Hz (100 Hz)100 Hz (1 kHz)5 Hz (100 Hz)1 diAl RotAtioN10 kHz (100 kHz)100 kHz (1 MHz)5 kHz (100 kHz)