Page 19FT DX 3000 OPERA T I N G M A N U A LFront Panel Controls & switChes[NOTCH] SwitchPressing this button allows you to adjust the centerfrequency of the IF Notch filter using the [NOTCH]knob. While activated, the LED inside this buttonglows orange. Press the [NOTCH] knob briefly totoggle the IF Notch filter on/off.[NOTCH] KnobPress the [NOTCH] switch to turn the IF NOTCHfilter on or off. Rotate the inner [NOTCH] knob toadjust the center frequency of the IF NOTCH filter.The null position of the IF NOTCH filter can beobserved on the display. Furthermore, the displaywill show the center frequency of the IF NOTCHfilter for 3 seconds whenever the [NOTCH] knob isturned.[CONT/APF] KnobCONTIn the SSB, AM, and FM modes, press the [CONT/APF] switch then turn the outer [CONT/APF] knobto select the desired CONTOUR filter response. TheCONTOUR filter is engaged via the [CONT/APF]switch.APFIn the CW mode, press the [CONT/APF] switch andthen turn the outer [CONT/APF] knob to select thedesired APF (Audio Peak Filter) response. The APFis engaged via the [CONT/APF] switch.[CONT/APF] SwitchPressing this button allows you to select the DSPContour filter response using the [CONT/APF]knob. While activated, the LED inside this buttonglows orange. Press the [CONT/APF] knob brieflyto toggle the IF Contour filter on/off.In the CW mode, pressing this button will activatethe APF (Audio Peak Filter) which provides a verynarrow audio bandwidth. While activated, the LEDinside this button glows orange.[SHIFT Knob] (ExcEpt on AM And FM ModE)Rotate the inner [SHIFT] to move the passband ofthe IF DSP filter by 20 Hz steps. The total adjust-ment range is ±1 kHz. The position of the passbandcan be observed on the display. Furthermore, thedisplay will show the shift value of the IF SHIFT for3 seconds whenever the [SHIFT] knob is turned.[WIDTH Knob] (ExcEpt on AM And FM ModE)Rotate the outer [WIDTH] knob to set the overallbandwidth of the IF DSP filter. Counter-clockwiserotation reduces the bandwidth, while clockwiserotation increases the bandwidth. The current band-width can be observed on the display. Furthermore,the frequency display will show the bandwidth of theIF passband for 3 seconds whenever the [WIDTH]knob is turned.[BK-IN] SwitchThis button turns the CW break-in capability on andoff. While CW break-in is activated, the LED insidethis button glows orange.[AF] KnobThe inner [AF] knob sets the receiver audio volumelevel. Typically, you will operate with this control setbetween the 9 o’clock and 10 o’clock positions.[RF/SQL] KnobA dvicE:This control may be used to select between the “SQL”and “RF GAIN” functions via the Menu Item “036RF/SQL VR”.RFThe outer [RF/SQL] knob is the receiver RF gaincontrol, which adjusts the gain of the receiver RFand IF amplifier stages. This control is normally leftin the fully clockwise position.SQLThis knob sets the signal level threshold, belowwhich the receiver audio is muted, in all modes. Itis very useful during local rag-chews, to eliminatenoise between incoming transmissions. This controlis normally kept fully counter-clockwise (off), ex-cept when scanning and during FM operation.[MONI] (Monitor) SwitchThis button enables the transmit monitor in allmodes. While activated, the LED inside this buttonglows orange.A dvicE:When using headphones, the Monitor function isvery helpful while adjusting the Parametric Equal-izer or other voice quality adjustments. The voiceheard in the headphones represents the transmittedaudio qualities.