Page 77FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualcW MODe O peraTiOnU sing The bUilT- in elecTrOnic keyerConnect the cable from your keyer paddle to the front or rear panel KEY jack.1. Press the [MODE] button to engage CW opera-tion. The “CW” and “USB” icons will appear in thedisplay. The LED inside the [MONI] button glowsorange; and the CW monitor is activated.A dvice :If you press the “CW” mode, you will engage the“CW Reverse” mode, whereby the “opposite” side-band injection is used, compared to the “normal”sideband. The “CW” and “LSB” icons will appearin the display if you select CW Reverse.2. Rotate the Main Tuning Dial knob to select the de-sired operating frequency.3. Press the [p/q/t/u] button to select the “KEYER”,then press the [SELECT] button to select “ON”.The “KEYER” will appear in the display, confirmingthat the built-in Electronic Keyer is now active.4. Rotate the [MIC/SPEED] knob to set the desiredsending speed (4 ~ 60 WPM). Clockwise rotationof the [MIC/SPEED] knob will increase the keyingspeed.A dvice : The VFO-B frequency display will show the key-ing speed for 3 seconds whenever the [SPEED]knob is turned. When you press either the “Dot” or “Dash” sideof your paddle, the CW keying tone will auto-matically be generated.5. Press the [BK-IN] button to engage automatic activa-tion of the transmitter when you press either the “Dot”or “Dash” side of your paddle. The LED inside the[BK-IN] button glows orange.6. CW operation utilizing your paddle may now com-mence.A dvice :When you utilize your keyer paddle, the transmit-ter will automatically be activated, and the CWcharacters (or a string of dots and dashes) will betransmitted. When you release the keyer paddle con-tacts, transmission will cease, and reception will berestored after a brief delay. The delay time is user-programmable, per the discussion on page 83.[MONI] Button[BK-IN] ButtonA dvice : You may adjust the CW sidetone audio level settingof Menu item “035 MONITOR LEVEL”.To adjust the Moni Level:1) Activate the MONI circuitry, if necessary.2) Press and hold in the [MONI] button for onesecond to enter the Menu item “135 MONITORLEVEL”.3) Press the [SELECT] button.4) While keying, rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob(or press the p/q button) to adjust the monitorlevel.5) When you are satisfied with the setting, pressthe [SELECT] button, then press the [MENU]button to save the new setting and exit to normaloperation. If you set the [BK-IN] button to Off, you may prac-tice sending CW with the sidetone only, without hav-ing the signal go out over the air. If you reduce power via the Menu item “177 TXMAX POWER”, the ALC meter reading will increase;this is normal and does not indicate any problemwhatsoever (because increased ALC voltage is beingused to lower the power).[SPEED] Knob [MODE] Button