PERIODIC MAINTENANCE5-20 TNV IDI Service ManualPeriodic Maintenance ProceduresClean Fuel Filter / Water SeparatorDANGERFIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD!• Diesel fuel is flammable andexplosive under certainconditions.• NEVER use diesel fuel as a cleaning agent.• When you remove any fuel system componentto perform maintenance (such as changingthe fuel filter) place an approved containerunder the opening to catch the fuel.• NEVER use a shop rag to catch the fuel.Vapors from the rag are flammable andexplosive.• Wipe up any spills immediately.• Wear eye protection. The fuel system is underpressure and fuel could spray out when youremove any fuel system component.• Failure to comply will result in death orserious injury.NOTICE• ALWAYS be environmentallyresponsible.• Follow the guidelines of the EPA or othergovernmental agencies for the proper disposal ofhazardous materials such as engine oil, dieselfuel and engine coolant. Consult the localauthorities or reclamation facility.• NEVER dispose of hazardous materialsirresponsibly by dumping them into a sewer, onthe ground, or into ground water or waterways.• Failure to follow these procedures may seriouslyharm the environment.Periodically clean the fuel filter / water separatorelement and inside the cup.1. Position an approved container under the cup(Figure 5-15, (1)) of the fuel filter / waterseparator to collect the contaminants.Figure 5-152. Close (Figure 5-15, (2)) the fuel cock(Figure 5-15, (3)).3. Turn the retaining ring (Figure 5-15, (4)) to theleft (Figure 5-15, (10)).4. Carefully remove the cup (Figure 5-15, (1)) andpour the fuel into an approved container anddispose of properly. Hold the bottom of the cupwith a shop towel to prevent the fuel fromdripping. Wipe up any spills immediately.5. Keep the retaining spring (Figure 5-15, (6)) andfloat (Figure 5-15, (7)) handy for reassembly.6. Remove the element (Figure 5-15, (8)) bypulling it down.7. Replace the element with a new one.8. Wash the inside of the cup with clean dieselfuel.9. Check the condition of the cup O-ring. Replaceif necessary.Applicable Mesh Filter Part No.2TNV703TNV703TNV76171081-55910co(9)(6)(7)0000590B(5)(1)(3)(10)(2)(4) (8)