PERIODIC MAINTENANCETNV IDI Service Manual 5-25Periodic Maintenance ProceduresPerform the following maintenance every 2000hours of operation.• Check and Replace Fuel Hoses and EngineCoolant Hoses• Lap the Intake and Exhaust ValvesCheck and Replace Fuel Hoses andEngine Coolant HosesNOTICE• ALWAYS be environmentallyresponsible.• Follow the guidelines of the EPA or othergovernmental agencies for the proper disposal ofhazardous materials such as engine oil, dieselfuel and engine coolant. Consult the localauthorities or reclamation facility.• NEVER dispose of hazardous materialsirresponsibly by dumping them into a sewer, onthe ground, or into ground water or waterways.• Failure to follow these procedures may seriouslyharm the environment.Regularly check the fuel system and engine coolantsystem hoses. If they are cracked or degraded,replace them. Replace the hoses at least every twoyears. See Check and Replace Fuel Hoses andEngine Coolant Hoses on page 5-25.Lap the Intake and Exhaust ValvesAdjustment is necessary to maintain proper contactof the valves and seats. See Inspection of Intakeand Exhaust Valves on page 6-25.Every 2000 Hours of Operation