2-9Console Port Login Configuration with Authentication Mode BeingSchemeConfiguration ProcedureFollow these steps to perform Console port login configuration (with authentication mode beingscheme):To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter AUX user interfaceview user-interface aux 0 —Configure toauthenticate userslocally or remotelyauthentication-mode schemeRequiredThe specified AAA schemedetermines whether toauthenticate users locally orremotely.By default, users logging inthrough the Console port are notauthenticatedQuit to system view quit —Enter thedefault ISPdomainviewdomain domain nameSpecify theAAAscheme tobe appliedto thedomainauthentication default{ hwtacacs- schemehwtacacs-scheme-name [ local ] |local | none | radius-schemeradius-scheme-name [ local ] }Configuretheauthentication modeQuit tosystemviewquitOptionalBy default, the local AAA schemeis applied. If you specify to applythe local AAA scheme, you needto perform the configurationconcerning local user as well.If you specify to apply an existingscheme by providing theradius-scheme-name argument,you need to perform the followingconfiguration as well:z Perform AAA-RADIUSconfiguration on the switch.(Refer to AAA Configuration inthe Security Volume fordetails.)z Configure the user name andpassword accordingly on theAAA server. (Refer to the usermanual of AAA server.)Create a local user(Enter local user view.) local-user user-name RequiredNo local user exists by default.Set the authenticationpassword for the localuserpassword { simple | cipher }passwordRequiredBy default, a user is authorizedwith no passwordSpecifies the level of thelocal user authorization-attribute level levelBy default, no authorizationattribute is configured for a localuserSpecify the service typefor AUX users service-type terminalRequiredBy default, a user is authorizedwith no service