2-6upon receiving an integer ID assigned by the RADIUS authentication server, the device adds theport to the VLAN whose VLAN ID is equal to the assigned integer ID. If no such a VLAN exists, thedevice first creates a VLAN with the assigned ID, and then adds the port to the newly createdVLAN.z String: If the RADIUS authentication server assigns string type of VLAN IDs, you can set the VLANassignment mode to string on the device. Then, upon receiving a string ID assigned by theRADIUS authentication server, the device compares the ID with existing VLAN names on thedevice. If it finds a match, it adds the port to the corresponding VLAN. Otherwise, the VLANassignment fails and the user fails the authentication.In actual applications, to use this feature together with Guest VLAN, you should better set port control toport-based mode. For more information, refer to the section discussing basic 802.1x configuration in802.1x Operation.Follow these steps to configure dynamic VLAN assignmentTo do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Create an ISP domain andenter its view domain isp-name —Set the VLAN assignmentmodevlan-assignment-mode{ integer | string }OptionalBy default, the VLANassignment mode is integer.Create a VLAN and enter itsview vlan vlan-id —Set a VLAN name for VLANassignment name stringThis operation is required if theVLAN assignment mode is setto string.z In string mode, if the VLAN ID assigned by the RADIUS server is a character string containing onlydigits (for example, 1024), the device first regards it as an integer VLAN ID: the device transformsthe string to an integer value and judges if the value is in the valid VLAN ID range; if it is, the deviceadds the authenticated port to the VLAN with the integer value as the VLAN ID (VLAN 1024, forexample).z To implement dynamic VLAN assignment on a port where both MSTP and 802.1x are enabled, youmust set the MSTP port to an edge port.Configuring the Attributes of a Local UserWhen local scheme is chosen as the AAA scheme, you should create local users on the device andconfigure the relevant attributes.The local users are users set on the device, with each user uniquely identified by a user name. To makea user who is requesting network service pass local authentication, you should add an entry in the localuser database on the device for the user.