1-11To do… Use the command… RemarksConfigure the probe timeouttime timeout timeOptionalBy default, a probe times out inthree seconds.Configure the type of service tos valueOptionalBy default, the service type iszero.Configure the number of testpackets that will be sent in eachjitter probejitter-packetnum numberOptionalBy default, each jitter probe willsend 10 packets.Configure the interval to sendtest packets in the jitter test jitter-interval intervalOptionalBy default, the interval is 20milliseconds.Start the test test-enable RequiredDisplay test results display hwping results[ admin-name operation-tag ]RequiredYou can execute the commandin any view.6) Configuring SNMP test on HWPing clientFollow these steps to configure SNMP test on HWPing client:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable the HWPing clientfunction hwping-agent enableRequiredBy default, the HWPing clientfunction is disabled.Create a HWPing test groupand enter its viewhwping administrator-nameoperation-tagRequiredBy default, no test group isconfigured.Configure the destination IPaddress destination-ip ip-addressRequiredBy default, no destinationaddress is configured.Configure the source IPaddress source-ip ip-addressOptionalBy default, no source IPaddress is configured.Configure the source port source-port port-numberOptionalBy default, no source port isconfigured.Configure the test type test-type snmpqueryRequiredBy default, the test type isICMP.Configure the number ofprobes per test count timesOptionalBy default, each test makesone probe.