1-8z Perform the following configuration on Switch A: setting the community name and accesspermission, administrator ID, contact and location of Switch A, and enabling the device to sent trapmessages.Thus, the NMS is able to access Switch A and receive the trap messages sent by Switch A.Figure 1-2 Network diagram for SNMP configurationEthernet10.10.10.1NMS10 .10 .10 .2Switch ANetwork procedure# Enable SNMP agent, and set the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c community names. system-view[device] snmp-agent[device] snmp-agent sys-info version all[device] snmp-agent community read public[device] snmp-agent community write private# Set the access right of the NMS to the MIB of the SNMP agent.[device] snmp-agent mib-view include internet For SNMPv3, set:z SNMPv3 group and userz security to the level of needing authentication and encryptionz authentication protocol to HMAC-MD5z authentication password to passmd5z encryption protocol to AESz encryption password to cfb128cfb128[device] snmp-agent group v3 managev3group privacy write-view internet[device] snmp-agent usm-user v3 managev3user managev3group authentication-mode md5 passmd5privacy-mode aes128 cfb128cfb128# Set the VLAN-interface 2 as the interface used by NMS. Add port GigabitEthernet 1/0/2, which is to beused for network management, to VLAN 2. Set the IP address of VLAN-interface 2 as[device] vlan 2[device-vlan2] port Ethernet 1/0/2[device-vlan2] quit[device] interface Vlan-interface 2[device-Vlan-interface2] ip address[device-Vlan-interface2] quit# Enable the SNMP agent to send Trap messages to the NMS whose IP address is TheSNMP community name to be used is “public”.[device] snmp-agent trap enable standard authentication[device] snmp-agent trap enable standard coldstart[device] snmp-agent trap enable standard linkup