1-7To do… Use the command… RemarksChange the working directoryon the remote FTP server cd pathnameChange the working directoryto be the parent directory cdupGet the local working path onthe FTP client lcdDisplay the working directoryon the FTP server pwdCreate a directory on theremote FTP server mkdir pathnameRemove a directory on theremote FTP server rmdir pathnameDelete a specified file delete remotefileOptionaldir [ remotefile ] [ localfile ]Query a specified file on theFTP server ls [ remotefile ] [ localfile ]OptionalIf no file name is specified, allthe files in the current directoryare displayed.The difference between thesetwo commands is that the dircommand can display the filename, directory as well as fileattributes; while the Iscommand can display only thefile name and directory.Download a remote file fromthe FTP server get remotefile [ localfile ]Upload a local file to the remoteFTP server put localfile [ remotefile ]Rename a file on the remoteserverrename remote-sourceremote-destLog in with the specified username and password user username [ password ]Connect to a remote FTPserveropen { ip-address |server-name } [ port ]disconnectTerminate the current FTPconnection without exiting FTPclient view closequitTerminate the current FTPconnection and return to userview byeDisplay the online help about aspecified command concerningFTPremotehelp[ protocol-command ]OptionalEnable the verbose function verbose OptionalEnabled by default