2-11In Ethernet port viewFollow these steps to configure a static multicast group member port in Ethernet port view:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Configure the current port as astatic member port for amulticast group in a VLANmulticast static-groupgroup-address vlan vlan-idRequiredBy default, no port is configuredas a static multicast groupmember port.In VLAN interface viewFollow these steps to configure a static multicast group member port in VLAN interface view:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter VLAN interface view interface vlan-interfaceinterface-number —Configure specified port(s) asstatic member port(s) of amulticast group in the VLANmulticast static-groupgroup-address interfaceinterface-listRequiredBy default, no port is configuredas a static multicast groupmember port.Configuring a Static Router PortIn a network where the topology is unlikely to change, you can configure a port on the device as a staticrouter port, so that the device has a static connection to a multicast router and receives IGMPmessages from that router.In Ethernet port viewFollow these steps to configure a static router port in Ethernet port view:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enter Ethernet port view interface interface-typeinterface-number —Configure the current port as astatic router portmulticast static-router-portvlan vlan-idRequiredBy default, no static router portis configured.