1-105) Configuring jitter test on HWPing clientFollow these steps to configure jitter test on HWPing client:To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter system view system-view —Enable the HWPing clientfunction hwping-agent enableRequiredBy default, the HWPing clientfunction is disabled.Create a HWPing test groupand enter its viewhwping administrator-nameoperation-tagRequiredBy default, no test group isconfigured.Configure the destination IPaddress destination-ip ip-addressRequiredThe destination address mustbe the IP address of a UDPlistening service on theHWPing server.By default, no destinationaddress is configured.Configure the destination port destination-portPort-numberRequiredThe destination port must bethe port of a UDP listeningservice on the HWPing server.By default, no destination portis configured.Configure the source IPaddress source-ip ip-addressOptionalBy default, no source IPaddress is configured.Configure the source port source-port port-numberOptionalBy default, no source port isconfigured.Configure the test type test-type jitterRequiredBy default, the test type isICMP.Configure the number ofprobes per test count timesOptionalBy default, each test makesone probe.Configure the maximumnumber of history records thatcan be savedhistory-records numberOptionalBy default, the maximumnumber is 50.Configure the packet size datasize sizeOptionalBy default, the packet size is 68bytes.Configure the automatic testinterval frequency intervalOptionalBy default, the automatic testinterval is zero seconds,indicating no automatic test willbe made.