1-3To do… Use the command… RemarksIn systemviewmac-authentication interfaceinterface-listinterface interface-typeinterface-numbermac-authenticationEnable MACauthentication forthe specifiedport(s) or thecurrent portIn interfaceviewquitUse either methodDisabled by defaultSet the usernamein MAC addressmode for MACauthenticationmac-authentication authmodeusernameasmacaddress [ usernameformat{ with-hyphen | without-hyphen } { lowercase |uppercase } | fixedpassword password ]OptionalBy default, the MACaddress of a user isused as theusername.Set theusername infixed modefor MACauthenticationmac-authentication authmodeusernamefixedConfigure theusernamemac-authentication authusernameusernameSet the usernamein fixed mode forMACauthenticationConfigure thepasswordmac-authentication authpasswordpasswordOptionalBy default, theusername is “mac”and no password isconfigured.Specify an ISPdomain for MACauthenticationmac-authentication domain isp-nameRequiredThe default ISPdomain (defaultdomain) is used bydefault.Configure the MACauthenticationtimersmac-authentication timer { offline-detectoffline-detect-value | quiet quiet-value |server-timeout server-timeout-value }OptionalThe default timeoutvalues are asfollows:300 seconds foroffline detect timer;60 seconds for quiettimer; and100 seconds forserver timeout timerz If MAC authentication is enabled on a port, you cannot configure the maximum number of dynamicMAC address entries for that port (through the mac-address max-mac-count command), andvice versa.z If MAC authentication is enabled on a port, you cannot configure port security (through theport-security enable command) on that port, and vice versa.z You can configure MAC authentication on a port before enabling it globally. However, theconfiguration will not take effect unless MAC authentication is enabled globally.