3-8To do… Use the command… RemarksEnter one or more VTY userinterface viewsuser-interface vtyfirst-number [ last-number ] —Configure to authenticateusers locally or remotelyauthentication-modescheme [ command-authorization ]RequiredThe specified AAA schemedetermines whether to authenticateusers locally or remotely.Users are authenticated locally bydefault.Configure the command levelavailable to users logging into the user interfaceuser privilege level levelOptionalBy default, commands of level 0 areavailable to users logging in to theVTY user interfaces.Configure the supportedprotocolprotocol inbound { all | ssh| telnet }OptionalBoth Telnet protocol and SSHprotocol are supported by default.Set the commands to beexecuted automatically aftera user login to the userinterface successfullyauto-execute commandtextOptionalBy default, no command isexecuted automatically after a userlogs into the VTY user interface.Make terminal servicesavailable shellOptionalTerminal services are available inall use interfaces by default.Set the maximum number oflines the screen can contain screen-length screen-lengthOptionalBy default, the screen can containup to 24 lines.You can use the screen-length 0command to disable the function todisplay information in pages.Set history command buffersizehistory-command max-sizevalueOptionalThe default history command buffersize is 10. That is, a historycommand buffer can store up to 10commands by default.Set the timeout time for theuser interfaceidle-timeout minutes[ seconds ]OptionalThe default timeout time of a userinterface is 10 minutes.With the timeout time being 10minutes, the connection to a userinterface is terminated if nooperation is performed in the userinterface within 10 minutes.You can use the idle-timeout 0command to disable the timeoutfunction.Note that if you configure to authenticate the users in the scheme mode, the command level available tothe users logging in to the switching engine depends on the user privilege level level command andthe service-type { ftp | lan-access | { ssh | telnet | terminal }* [ level level ] } command, as listed inTable 3-4.