IEC16000153-1-en.vsdxTRSOTFOperationAND SRExternalCtrl AND OR SRANDAND ORStartByCBOpen ANDANDANDAND100ms100msORORt120msttCBClosedMinANDORANDANDORANDANDSETONONOFFinitiateSTARTCBREADYCBCLOSEDREADYSTARTHSstartThermalinhibitINHIBITstartcount0CBReadycbClosedIEC16000153 V1 EN-USFigure 152: Simplified logic for Operation Off/On and startingMode selection GUID-25A24DC8-80C8-4C42-A084-D25712049F06 v1The auto reclosing mode is selected with the setting ARMode. As an alternative tothe setting, the mode can be selected by connecting an integer, for example fromfunction block B16I, to the MODEINT input. The six possible modes are describedin Table 176 below with their corresponding MODEINT integer value.When a valid integer is connected to the input MODEINT the selected settingARMode will be invalid and the MODEINT input value will be used instead. Theselected mode is reported as an integer on the MODE output.Please note that tripping mode of the IED is defined in Trip Logic function blockSMPPTRC. For example for two-phase faults either 2ph or 3ph tripping andconsequent auto reclosing can be selectedSection 12 1MRK 505 394-UEN AControl330 Line differential protection RED650 2.2 IECTechnical manual