Synchronization via binary input M11346-42 v6The IED accepts minute pulses to a binary input. These minute pulses can begenerated from, for example station master clock. If the station master clock is notsynchronized from a world wide source, time will be a relative time valid for thesubstation. Both positive and negative edge on the signal can be accepted. Thissignal is also considered as a fine time synchronization signal.The minute pulse is connected to any channel on any Binary Input Module in theIED. The electrical characteristic is thereby the same as for any other binary input.If the objective of synchronization is to achieve a relative time within thesubstation and if no station master clock with minute pulse output is available, asimple minute pulse generator can be designed and used for synchronization of theIEDs. The minute pulse generator can be created using the logical elements andtimers available in the IED.The definition of a minute pulse is that it occurs one minute after the last pulse. Asonly the flanks are detected, the flank of the minute pulse shall occur one minuteafter the last flank.Binary minute pulses are checked with reference to frequency.Pulse data:• Period time (a) should be 60 seconds.• Pulse length (b):• Minimum pulse length should be >50 ms.• Maximum pulse length is optional.• Amplitude (c) - please refer to section "Binary input module (BIM)".Deviations in the period time (a) larger than 50 ms will cause TSYNCERR.abcen05000251.vsdIEC05000251 V1 EN-USFigure 363: Binary minute pulsesThe default time-out-time for a minute pulse is two minutes, and if no valid minutepulse is received within two minutes a SYNCERR will be given.Section 21 1MRK 505 394-UEN ABasic IED functions784 Line differential protection RED650 2.2 IECTechnical manual