and the behavior of each component are compared between the trigger and the postprocessing time. If there are any differences, then it will be added in the header fileunder section Changed_settings.In the HDR file, section tag Settings has an attribute tag called function whichincludes parameters that are grouped based on the function instance. The functiontag has content called name which is the function name provided together with theuser-defined name in brackets similar to the HMI. Status content will indicate theruntime status of the function and beh content will indicate the IEC61850 behaviorof the components, if supported. Non runtime components will not have status andbeh tag contents.Parameters of the function are listed as a child tag Set with contents name, valueand unit:• name — parameter name same as HMI• value — actual parameter value• unit — parameter unitThe changed_settings attribute tag is similar to the settings section. It containsfunctions which have changes in parameter value or runtime status or IEC61850behavior when compared with trigger and post-processing settings values.Fault locator (FL) M12155-186 v4The fault location function calculates the distance to fault.Time tagging M12155-194 v1The IED has a built-in real-time calendar and clock. This function is used for alltime tagging within the disturbance reportRecording times M12155-99 v5Disturbance report DRPRDRE records information about a disturbance during asettable time frame. The recording times are valid for the whole disturbance report.Disturbance recorder (DR), event recorder (ER) and indication function registerdisturbance data and events during tRecording, the total recording time.The total recording time, tRecording, of a recorded disturbance is:tRecording =PreFaultrecT + tFault +PostFaultrecT orPreFaultrecT +TimeLimit, depending onwhich criterion stops the current disturbance recording1MRK 505 394-UEN A Section 15MonitoringLine differential protection RED650 2.2 IEC 581Technical manual