3. Press and hold the button you would like touse to control the garage door until thegarage door moves. The indicator light, abovethe selected button, should slowly blink.You may need to hold the button fromfive to 20 seconds.4. Immediately release the button when thegarage door moves. The indicator light willblink rapidly until programming is complete.5. Press and release the button again. Thegarage door should move, confirming thatprogramming is successful and complete.To program another device such as an additionalgarage door opener, a security device, orhome lighting, repeat Steps 1–5, choosing adifferent function button in Step 3 than what youused for the garage door opener.Using Universal Home RemotePress and hold the appropriate button for at leasthalf of a second. The indicator light will comeon while the signal is being transmitted.Reprogramming Universal HomeRemote ButtonsYou can reprogram any of the three buttons byrepeating the instructions.Erasing Universal Home RemoteButtonsYou should erase the programmed buttons whenyou sell the vehicle or terminate your lease.To erase either rolling code or fixed code on theUniversal Home Remote device, do the following:1. Press and hold the two outside buttons atthe same time for approximately 20 seconds,until the indicator lights, located directlyabove the buttons, begin to blink rapidly.2. Once the indicator lights begin to blink,release both buttons. The codes from allbuttons will be erased.For additional information on Universal HomeRemote, see Customer Assistance Officeson page 491.149