«ª (Driver’s Temperature Controls): Pressthe up or down buttons closest to the driverto manually increase or decrease the temperatureinside the vehicle.«ª (Passenger’s Temperature Controls):Press the up or down buttons closest to thepassenger to manually increase or decrease thetemperature for the front passenger. If thepassenger’s climate control system is off, pressingeither of these buttons turns it on.Manual Operation9 (Fan): Turn the left control to adjust the fanspeed manually if the automatic setting is higher orlower than desired. The fan speed remains atthis level until you return to AUTO or adjust to adifferent level. In the automatic position, the blowermight go to a lower speed during an OnStar®session to limit the background noise.To change the current mode, select one of thefollowing positions using the right control:AUTO: Turn the control to this position to turn onthe automatic delivery mode operation.F(Vent): Turn the control to this position so thatair is directed to the instrument panel outlets.*(Bi-Level): Turn the control to this position sothat half of the air is directed to the instrumentpanel outlets and the other half goes to the flooroutlets. The temperature of the air to the floorwill be warmer than the air to the upper outlets.7(Floor): Turn the control to this position so thatmost of the air is directed to the floor outletswith some air directed to the outboard outlets, sidewindow outlets, and defroster outlet.W (Defog): Turn the control to this position sothat air is directed between the windshieldand floor outlets, with some air going to theoutboard outlets and side window outlets. Moreinformation of defogging can be found later in thissection.190