But the ability to drive is affected well below aBAC of 0.10 percent. Research shows thatthe driving skills of many people are impaired at aBAC approaching 0.05 percent, and that theeffects are worse at night. All drivers are impairedat BAC levels above 0.05 percent. Statisticsshow that the chance of being in a collisionincreases sharply for drivers who have a BAC of0.05 percent or above. A driver with a BAC level of0.06 percent has doubled his or her chance ofhaving a collision. At a BAC level of 0.10 percent,the chance of this driver having a collision is12 times greater; at a level of 0.15 percent, thechance is 25 times greater!The body takes about an hour to rid itself of thealcohol in one drink. No amount of coffee ornumber of cold showers will speed that up. “I willbe careful” is not the right answer. What ifthere is an emergency, a need to take suddenaction, as when a child darts into the street?A person with even a moderate BAC might not beable to react quickly enough to avoid thecollision.There is something else about drinking and drivingthat many people do not know. Medical researchshows that alcohol in a person’s system can makecrash injuries worse, especially injuries to thebrain, spinal cord, or heart. This means that whenanyone who has been drinking — driver orpassenger — is in a crash, that person’s chanceof being killed or permanently disabled ishigher than if the person had not been drinking.{CAUTION:Drinking and then driving is verydangerous. Your reflexes, perceptions,attentiveness, and judgment can beaffected by even a small amount ofalcohol. You can have a serious — oreven fatal — collision if you drive afterdrinking. Please do not drink and drive orride with a driver who has been drinking.Ride home in a cab; or if you are with agroup, designate a driver who will notdrink.277