\ FWD (Fast Forward): Press and hold thisbutton to advance playback quickly within an MP3file. Sound is heard at a reduced volume.Release this button to resume playing the file. Theelapsed time of the file displays.RDM (Random): With the random setting, MP3files on the CD-R can be played in random, ratherthan sequential order, on one CD-R or all discsin a six-disc CD player. To use random, do one ofthe following:1. To play MP3 files from the CD-R in randomorder, press the pushbutton positioned underthe RDM label until Random Current Discdisplays. Press the same pushbutton again toturn off random play.2. To play songs from all CDs loaded in a six-discCD player in random order, press thepushbutton positioned under the RDM labeluntil Randomize All Discs displays. Press thesame pushbutton again to turn off random play.h (Music Navigator): Use the music navigatorfeature to play MP3 files on the CD-R in order byartist or album. Press the pushbutton located belowthe music navigator label. The player scans the discto sort the files by artist and album ID3 taginformation. It could take several minutes to scanthe disc depending on the number of MP3 filesrecorded to the CD-R. The radio might beginplaying while it is scanning the disc in thebackground. When the scan is finished, the CD-Rbegins playing again.Once the disc has scanned, the player defaults toplaying MP3 files in order by artist. The currentartist playing is shown on the second line of thedisplay between the arrows. Once all songs by thatartist have played, the player moves to the nextartist in alphabetical order on the CD-R and beginsplaying MP3 files by that artist. To listen to MP3files by another artist, press the pushbutton locatedbelow either arrow button. The CD goes to the nextor previous artist in alphabetical order. Continuepressing either button until the desired artistdisplays.262