Courtesy Transportation is available only atparticipating dealers and all program options, suchas shuttle service, may not be available atevery dealer. Please contact your dealer forspecific information about availability. All CourtesyTransportation arrangements will be administeredby appropriate dealer personnel.Canadian Vehicles: For warranty repairs duringthe Complete Vehicle Coverage period of theGeneral Motors of Canada New Vehicle LimitedWarranty, alternative transportation may beavailable under the Courtesy TransportationProgram. Please consult your dealer for details.General Motors reserves the right to unilaterallymodify, change or discontinue CourtesyTransportation at any time and to resolve allquestions of claim eligibility pursuant to the termsand conditions described herein at its solediscretion.Vehicle Data Collection and EventData RecordersYour vehicle, like other modern motor vehicles, hasa number of sophisticated computer systems thatmonitor and control several aspects of the vehicle’sperformance. Your vehicle uses on-board vehiclecomputers to monitor emission control componentsto optimize fuel economy, to monitor conditions forairbag deployment and, if so equipped, to provideanti-lock braking and to help the driver control thevehicle in difficult driving situations. Someinformation may be stored during regular operationsto facilitate repair of detected malfunctions; otherinformation is stored only in a crash event bycomputer systems, such as those commonly calledEvent Data Recorders (EDR).In a crash event, computer systems, such as theairbag Sensing and Diagnostic Module (SDM)in your vehicle may record information about thecondition of the vehicle and how it was operated,such as data related to engine speed, brakeapplication, throttle position, vehicle speed, safetybelt usage, airbag readiness, airbag performance,and the severity of a collision.498