+ u − (Volume): Press this button to increaseor to decrease the volume.+ t u − (Seek): Press either arrow to go to thenext or the previous radio station and staythere. The radio seeks stations only with a strongsignal that are in the selected band.While a CD is playing in a single CD player, pressthe minus button to go to the previous track orthe plus button to go to the next track on the CD.While a CD is playing in a six-disc CD player,loaded with more than one CD, press the minusbutton to go to the previous disc or the plus buttonto go to the next disc.If the radio has the navigation system, some ofthe audio steering wheel controls work whena DVD is playing in the navigation radio. See theNavigation System manual for more information.Radio ReceptionFrequency interference and static can occurduring normal radio reception if items such ascellphone chargers, vehicle convenienceaccessories, and external electronic devices areplugged into the accessory power outlet. If there isinterference or static, unplug the item from theaccessory power outlet.AMThe range for most AM stations is greater than forFM, especially at night. The longer range cancause station frequencies to interfere with eachother. For better radio reception, most AMradio stations boost the power levels during theday, and then reduces these levels duringthe night. Static can also occur when things likestorms and power lines interfere with radioreception. When this happens, try reducing thetreble on the radio.FM StereoFM stereo gives the best sound, but FM signalsreach only about 10 to 40 miles (16 to 65 km). Tallbuildings or hills can interfere with FM signals,causing the sound to fade in and out.270