This light should come on, as a check to showyou it is working, when the ignition is on and theengine is not running. If the light does notcome on, have it repaired. This light will alsocome on during a malfunction in one of two ways:• Light Flashing — A misfire condition hasbeen detected. A misfire increases vehicleemissions and may damage the emissioncontrol system on your vehicle. Diagnosis andservice may be required.• Light On Steady — An emission controlsystem malfunction has been detected on yourvehicle. Diagnosis and service may berequired.If the Light is FlashingThe following may prevent more serious damageto your vehicle:• Reducing vehicle speed• Avoiding hard accelerations• Avoiding steep uphill grades• If you are towing a trailer, reduce the amountof cargo being hauled as soon as it ispossibleIf the light stops flashing and remains on steady,see “If the Light Is On Steady” following.If the light continues to flash, when it is safe to doso, stop the vehicle. Find a safe place to parkyour vehicle. Turn the key off, wait at least10 seconds and restart the engine. If the lightremains on steady, see “If the Light Is On Steady”following. If the light is still flashing, follow theprevious steps, and see your dealer for service assoon as possible.If the Light Is On SteadyYou may be able to correct the emission systemmalfunction by considering the following:Did you recently put fuel into your vehicle?If so, reinstall the fuel cap, making sure to fullyinstall the cap. See Filling the Tank on page 352.The diagnostic system can determine if thefuel cap has been left off or improperly installed.A loose or missing fuel cap will allow fuel toevaporate into the atmosphere. A few driving tripswith the cap properly installed should turn thelight off.209