Replacing Brake System PartsThe braking system on a vehicle is complex. Itsmany parts have to be of top quality and work welltogether if the vehicle is to have really goodbraking. Your vehicle was designed and tested withtop-quality GM brake parts. When you replace partsof your braking system — for example, when yourbrake linings wear down and you need new onesput in — be sure you get new approved GMreplacement parts. If you do not, your brakes mayno longer work properly. For example, if someoneputs in brake linings that are wrong for your vehicle,the balance between your front and rear brakes canchange — for the worse. The braking performanceyou have come to expect can change in many otherways if someone puts in the wrong replacementbrake parts.BatteryYour vehicle has a maintenance free battery.When it is time for a new battery, get one that hasthe replacement number shown on the originalbattery’s label. We recommend an ACDelco®replacement battery. See Engine CompartmentOverview on page 356 for battery location.Warning: Battery posts, terminals, and relatedaccessories contain lead and lead compounds,chemicals known to the State of Californiato cause cancer and reproductive harm. Washhands after handling.385