Roadside ServiceIn the United States or Canada, call1-800-882-1112. Service is available 24 hours aday, 365 days a year.Who Is Covered?Roadside Assistance coverage is for the vehicleoperator, regardless of ownership. A person drivingthis vehicle without the consent of the owner isnot eligible for coverage.The following services are provided in the UnitedStates during the Bumper-to-Bumper warrantyperiod and in Canada, during the Base Warrantycoverage period of the New Vehicle LimitedWarranty, up to a maximum coverage of $100.These services are provided at a nominal chargeif the Cadillac is no longer covered by thewarranties listed previously. Roadside Service isavailable only in the United States and Canada.Cadillac Owner Privileges™Roadside Service provides several Cadillac OwnerPrivileges™ at “no charge,” throughout yourCadillac Warranty Period — 48 months/50,000 miles (80 000 km).Emergency Road Service is performed on site forthe following situations:• Towing Service: Emergency towing from apublic roadway or highway to the nearestdealership for warranty service or in the eventof a vehicle-disabling accident. Winch-outassistance when the vehicle is mired in sand,mud, or snow.• Battery Jump Starting: No-start occurrenceswhich require a battery jump start will becovered at no charge.• Lock Out Assistance: To ensure security,the driver must present the vehicle registrationand personal ID before lock-out service isprovided. Lock-out service will be covered atno charge if you are unable to gain entryinto your vehicle. If your vehicle will not start,Roadside Service will arrange to haveyour vehicle towed to the nearest authorizeddealership. In the United States, replacementkeys made at the customer’s expense willbe delivered within 10 miles.493