Doing Your Own Service Work{CAUTION:You can be injured and your vehicle couldbe damaged if you try to do service workon a vehicle without knowing enoughabout it.• Be sure you have sufficient knowledge,experience, the proper replacementparts, and tools before you attempt anyvehicle maintenance task.• Be sure to use the proper nuts, bolts,and other fasteners. English and metricfasteners can be easily confused. If youuse the wrong fasteners, parts can laterbreak or fall off. You could be hurt.If you want to do some of your own service work,you should use the proper service manual. Ittells you much more about how to service yourvehicle than this manual can. To order the properservice manual, see Service PublicationsOrdering Information on page 505.Your vehicle has an airbag system. Beforeattempting to do your own service work, seeServicing Your Airbag-Equipped Vehicle onpage 87.You should keep a record with all parts receiptsand list the mileage and the date of any servicework you perform. See Maintenance Recordon page 484.Adding Equipment to the Outsideof Your VehicleThings you might add to the outside of yourvehicle can affect the airflow around it. This maycause wind noise and affect windshield washerperformance. Check with your dealer beforeadding equipment to the outside of your vehicle.348