193 . . .–Section 1YOU AGREE NOT TO USE OREXPLOIT GRACENOTE DATA, THEGRACENOTE SOFTWARE, ORGRACENOTE SERVERS, EXCEPT ASEXPRESSLY PERMITTED HEREIN.You agree that your non-exclusivelicense to use the Gracenote Data,the Gracenote Software, andGracenote Servers will terminate ifyou violate these restrictions. Ifyour license terminates, you agreeto cease any and all use of theGracenote Data, the GracenoteSoftware, and Gracenote Servers.Gracenote reserves all rights inGracenote Data, the GracenoteSoftware, and the Gracenote Serv-ers, including all ownership rights.Under no circumstances willGracenote become liable for anypayment to you for any informa-tion that you provide. You agreethat Gracenote, Inc. may enforceits rights under this Agreementagainst you directly in its ownname.The Gracenote service uses aunique identifier to track queriesfor statistical purposes.The purpose of a randomlyassigned numeric identifier is toallow the Gracenote service tocount queries without knowinganything about who you are. Formore information, see the webpage for the Gracenote PrivacyPolicy for the Gracenote service.The Gracenote Software and eachitem of Gracenote Data arelicensed to you “AS IS.” Gracenotemakes no representations orwarranties, express or implied,regarding the accuracy of anyGracenote Data from in theGracenote Servers.Gracenote reserves the right todelete data from the GracenoteServers or to change data catego-ries for any cause that Gracenotedeems sufficient.No warranty is made that theGracenote Software or GracenoteServers are error-free or that func-tioning of Gracenote Software orGracenote Servers will be uninter-rupted.AKENG40_CTS Page 193 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM