Starting and Operating Instructions. . . 378• Your vehicle may show signs ofoverheating if you turn yourengine off immediately aftertowing at high altitudes onsteep uphill grades.If possible, park on a levelsurface. Set the parking brakefirmly. Shift the automatictransmission into P (Park) orthe manual transmission intoneutral.Allow the engine to idle for afew minutes before turning theengine off.If you do get an overheatwarning, see "EngineOverheating" in Section 5 forinstructions.CAUTIONTrailer brakes of adequate sizeare required on trailers of morethan 450 kilograms (1,000 lb.)loaded weight.CAUTIONDo not exceed the maximumallowable tongue weight foryour vehicle.HitchesIt's important to have the correcthitch equipment. Sidewinds andrough roads are a few reasons whyyou'll need the right hitch. Hereare some rules to follow:• The rear bumper on yourvehicle is not intended forhitches. Do not attach rentalhitches or other bumper-typehitches to it. Use only a frame-mounted hitch that does notattach to the bumper.• If you have to make any holesin the body of your vehicle inorder to install the trailer hitch,be sure to seal them up oncethe hitch is removed. Other-wise, dirt, water and evendeadly carbon monoxide couldget into your vehicle.AKENG40_CTS Page 378 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM