281 . . .––Section 2CAUTIONAlthough your vehicle isequipped with a passenger airbag deactivation feature whichis designed to turn off thepassenger's air bag undercertain conditions, no system isfail-safe. No one can guaranteethat an air bag will not deployunder some unusual circum-stance, even though the systemis deactivated.In fact, because the risk to arear-facing child is so great ifthe air bag deploys, there is alabel on your vehicle’s sun visorthat cautions you never to put arear-facing child seat in thefront.It is therefore recommendedthat child restraints be securedin a rear seat position even if thefront passenger’s air bag isturned off.CAUTIONIf, however, you secure aforward-facing child restraint inthe front passenger seat, besure to move the front passen-ger seat as far back as it will go.CAUTIONAir bags are not designed todeploy in every crash. In somecrashes, safety belts are youronly restraint.Air bags are designed to beused with the safety belts. Evenwith an air bag, if you are in acrash and not wearing a safetybelt, your injuries could bemuch worse.CAUTIONIf you are too close to aninflating air bag, it couldseriously injure you. Safety beltshelp keep you in position incase an air bag inflates in acollision. The driver should sit asfar back as possible while stillable to maintain control of thevehicle.Seat-mounted side impact airbags are not designed to inflatein rollovers, or in a rear orfrontal crash.Roof-mounted air bags are notdesigned to inflate in rolloversor a rear crash.AKENG40_CTS Page 281 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM