57 . . .–Section 1Feature CustomizationThe Driver Information Center canbe used to program variouscustomization features that maybe available with your vehicle.The number of programmablefeatures varies depending onwhich vehicle options arepurchased.Press the button to enterprogramming mode andaccess various memory andpersonalization features.ENTERING PROGRAMMINGMODEIf the ignition is on and your vehi-cle has an automatic transmission,your shift lever must be in P (Park)to enter programming mode. Ifyou have a manual transmission,you must apply your parkingbrake.Turn off the headlights to avoiddraining the battery.Press the button to enterprogramming mode.Once you have entered program-ming mode, press the buttonrepeatedly to scroll through the listof customizable features availableon your vehicle.FEATURE CUSTOMIZATIONMENUTo enter this menu, see "EnteringProgramming Mode" earlier in thissection.Press the button repeatedly toscroll through the list of customiz-able features available on yourvehicle.• PRESS TO DISPLAY INENGLISH• DISPLAY LANGUAGE• AUTO DOOR LOCK• AUTO DOOR UNLOCKAKENG40_CTS Page 57 Wednesday, July 23, 2008 11:47 AM