COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 7 EXTERNALS AND CONTROLS7-31 P[1][2][9][3] [6][8][10] [7][4][5][8][8] [8][1] [1][4][3][2][5][6][7][7][8][6]5.6.3 Main Motor Drive Assembly1) Loosen the belt tensioner [1], and de-tach the main motor belt [2].2) Loosen the screw [3] to release the belttensioner [4]; then, detach the belt [5].3) Remove the screw [6], and detach thefixing member [7].4) Remove the five screws [8], and discon-nect the connector [9]; then, detach themain motor drive assembly [10].F07-506-045.6.4 Manual Feed Pickup Drive Assembly1) Remove the main controller box.2) Remove the two screws [1], and detachthe scanner fan duct [2].3) Loosen the screw [3] to release the belttensioner [4], and detach the belt [5].F07-506-054) Remove the four screws [6], and dis-connect the three connectors [7]; then,detach the manual feed pickup drive as-sembly [8].F07-506-06