COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 5 SERVICE MODE5-7 TIndicates the PCB ROM versions of the machine and accessories.Indication xx: version number yy:R & D control number.DC-CONIndicates the ROM version of the DC controller PCB.R-CONIndicates the ROM version of the reader controller PCB.PANELIndicates the ROM version of the control panel CPU PCB.FEEDERIndicates the ROM version of the feeder controller PCB.SORTERIndicates the ROM version of the finisher controller PCB.NIBIndicates the version of the network software.PS/PCLIndicates the version of the printer board (PS/PCL).LIPSIndicates the version of the printer board (LIPS).SDL-STCHIndicates the ROM version of the saddle stitcher controller PCB.MN-CONTIndicates the version of the software of the main controller PCB.RIP1Indicates the version of the RIP1 board.BOOT-ROMIndicates the ROM version of the boot ROM of the main controller block.DIAG-DVCIndicates the version of the self diagnosis device.COPIER>DISPLAY