COPYRIGHT © 2000 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR5000/iR6000 REV.0 JULY 2000CHAPTER 3 INSTALLATION3-6 SChecks/remarksCheck to make sure that none ismissing.Step5678WorkHolding the two grips (front, rear) on theside of the pickup assembly, lift the machineslightly to remove the pad.Turn over the slope plates; then match thepin holes in the skids with those in the slopeplates, and fit the pins (one each).Holding the grips (front, rear) found on themachine, move the machine off the skid bysliding it on the slope plates.Remove the packaging tape from the body.Open the cardboard box that comes with themachine, and take out the parts and compo-nent members.2.4 Mounting the ScannerStep12WorkOpen the ADF, and remove the packing ma-terial.Remove the scanner fixing screw and spacer.1. Take care not to let the spacer fallinside the machine.2. Store away the fixings for usewhen securing the scanner forpossible relocation of the ma-chine.3. The middle spacer is longer thanthe spacers on both ends; pay at-tention when using them.Spacer (short)ScrewScrewScrewSpacer (long) Spacer (short)Checks/remarks