CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES SOFTWARE INTERFACE889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 3–31Loading Setpointsfrom a FileCAUTION:An error message occurs when attempting to upload a setpoint file with a revisionnumber that does not match the relay firmware. If the firmware has been upgradedsince saving the setpoint file, see Upgrading Setpoints Files to a New Revision forinstructions on changing the revision number of a setpoint file.The following procedure illustrates how to load setpoints from a file. Before loading asetpoints file, it must first be added to the 889 environment as described in the section,Adding Setpoints Files to the Environment.1. Select the previously saved setpoints file from the File pane of the 889 software mainwindow.2. Select the Offline > Edit Settings File Properties menu item and verify that thecorresponding file is fully compatible with the hardware and firmware version of thetarget relay. If the versions are not identical, see Upgrading Setpoint Files to a NewRevision for details on changing the setpoints file version.3. Right-click on the selected file and select the Write Settings File to Device item.4. Select the target relay from the list of devices shown and click Send. If there is anincompatibility, an error of the following type occurs:If there are no incompatibilities between the target device and the settings file, the data istransferred to the relay. An indication of the percentage completed is shown in the bottomof the main window.Uninstalling Files andClearing DataThe unit can be decommissioned by turning off the power to the unit and disconnectingthe wires to it. Files can be cleared after uninstalling the EnerVista software or the relay, forexample to comply with data security regulations. On the computer, settings files can beidentified by the .cid extension.To clear the current settings file do the following:1. Create a default settings file.2. Write the default settings file to the relay.3. Delete all other files with the .cid extension.4. Delete any other data files, which can be in standard formats, such as COMTRADE or.csv.You cannot directly erase the flash memory, but all records and settings in that memorycan be deleted. Do this from the front panel or EnerVista software using:RECORDS > CLEAR RECORDS