CHAPTER 5: STATUS FLEX STATE889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5–9Flex StatePath: Status > Flex StatesThere are 256 Flex state bits available. The status value indicates the state of the given Flexstate bit.CommunicationsGOOSE Rx and TxThe 889 supports 3 GOOSE transmissions and 8 GOOSE receptions each with 64 items pertransmission or reception. Non-structured GOOSE is supported. Each item within theGOOSE message can be a digital or analog value. Messages are launched within one scanof a digital point status change or an analog exceeding its deadband.The 889 server supports a subset of the server features described in part 7.2 of theIEC61850 standard.GOOSE MESSAGINGAs indicated above, the 889 supports 3 GOOSE transmissions and eight GOOSE receptionsas shown in the table below:* Launch speed is measured by comparing the time stamp in SOE of digital remote outputstatus change to the time stamp of message seen on the network by a computer who’sclock is synchronized by an IRIG-B card to the same IRIG-B source as the 889 relay.REMOTE INPUTSPath: Status > Communications > Remote InputsThe present state of the 32 remote inputs are shown here. The state displayed is theremote point unless the remote device has been established to be “Offline” in which casethe value shown is the programmed default state for the remote input.GGIO1 INDICATIONSPath: Status > Communications > GGIO1 IndicationsThe present state of the 32 GGIO1 Indications are shown here. There are up to 32 GGIOindications that can be used to map any FlexLogic operand into the IED 61850 informationmodel. Default value is Off.GOOSE STATUSPath: Status > Communications > GOOSE StatusService LaunchSpeed* Support forProgrammabletime to live# of Tx # of Rx Test BitSupport Number ofitems ineachtransmission orreceptionNumber ofremoteinputs perrelayConfigurable GOOSEWithin 2 ms(1 CPUscan)*Time to liveprogrammablefrom 1000 to60000 ms3 8DevicesY 64 DataItems perData Set32