3–14 889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFRONT CONTROL PANEL INTERFACE CHAPTER 3: INTERFACESWiFi DefaultSettingsSSID and Passphrase isthe factory defaultEvery 1 second Set SSID and PassphraseLink Error Primary3 Port 1 or Port 4(depending on ordercode) is not connectedEvery 1 second Ensure Ethernet cable isconnected, check cablefunctionality (i.e. physicaldamage or performcontinuity test), and ensuremaster or peer device isfunctioning. If none of theseapply, contact the factory.Link ErrorSecondaryPort 5 is not connected Every 1 second Ensure Ethernet cable isconnected, check cablefunctionality (i.e. physicaldamage or performcontinuity test), and ensuremaster or peer device isfunctioning. If none of theseapply, contact the factory.Traffic ErrorPrimary Abnormally highamount of Broadcastand Uni-cast traffic onport 1 or port 4Every 1 second Contact site IT department tocheck network formalfunctioning devicesTraffic ErrorSecondary Abnormally highamount of Broadcastand Uni-cast traffic onport 5Every 1 second Contact site IT department tocheck network formalfunctioning devicesAmbientTemperature >80CThe ambienttemperaturesurrounding theproduct has exceeded80CEvery 1 second Inspect mounting enclosurefor unexpected heat sources(i.e loose primary cables) andremove accordinglyEvent Rate High Abnormally highamounts of events havebeen generated so therelay has stoppedlogging to preventfurther issuesEvery 1 second Ensure settings are not setclose to nominal ratings.Ensure FlexLogic equationsdo not have impracticaltiming for status eventsIRIG-B Failure A bad IRIG-B inputsignal has beendetectedEvery 1 second Ensure IRIG-B cable isconnected, check cablefunctionality (i.e. physicaldamage or performcontinuity test), ensure IRIG-B receiver is functioning, andcheck input signal level (itmay be less thanspecification). If none ofthese apply, contact thefactory.Version Mismatch CPU and Comms do nothave the same revisionon firmwareBoot-up and Every 1secondEnsure that both the CPUand Comms FW wasuploaded during the upgradeprocessSelfTestFWUpdate The updating of thefirmware failedEvery 1 second Re-try uploading firmware. Ifthe upload doesn’t work asecond time contact factoryRemote CAN IOMismatchThe value of the cardsin the slots detected bythe Remote IO does notmatch the valuevalidated by the userconfigurationEvery 1 second. Afailure is declared after60 consecutive failuresFix the remote CANBUS IOmismatch.1. – Failure is logged after the detection of 5 consecutive failures2. $ – is the slot ID (i.e., F, G, H etc.)Self-test ErrorMessage 1Description of Problem How Often the Test isPerformedWhat to do