4–378 889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFLEXLOGIC CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTSPercent Differential Percent Diff PKP APercent Diff PKP BPercent Diff PKP CPercent Diff PKPPercent Diff Sat APercent Diff Sat BPercent Diff Sat CPercent Diff Dir APercent Diff Dir BPercent Diff Dir CPercent Diff OP APercent Diff OP BPercent Diff OP CPercent Diff OPPercent Diff WarnPercent A differential has picked upPercent B differential has picked upPercent C differential has picked upAt least one Percent differential element has picked upSaturation detected in stator phase ASaturation detected in stator phase BSaturation detected in stator phase CPhase A direction indicates an internal faultPhase B direction indicates an internal faultPhase C direction indicates an internal faultPhase A differential has operatedPhase B differential has operatedPhase C differential has operatedAt least one Percent differential element has operatedPercent differential current exceeded 0.5 x PKP for 10sPhase TOC Ph TOC 1 PKP APh TOC 1 PKP BPh TOC 1 PKP CPh TOC 1 PKPPh TOC 1 OP APh TOC 1 OP BPh TOC 1 OP CPh TOC 1 OPPh TOC 2Phase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedThe same set of operands as per Phase TOC 1Phase IOC Ph IOC 1 PKP APh IOC 1 PKP BPh IOC 1 PKP CPh IOC 1 PKPPh IOC 1 OP APh IOC 1 OP BPh IOC 1 OP CPh IOC 1 OPPh IOC 2 OPPhase A of phase IOC 1 has picked upPhase B of phase IOC 1 has picked upPhase C of phase IOC 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase IOC overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase IOC 1 has operatedPhase B of phase IOC 1 has operatedPhase C of phase IOC 1 has operatedAt least one phase of phase IOC 1 has operatedThe same set of operands as per Phase IOC 1Phase Directional OC Ph Dir OC REV APh Dir OC REV BPh Dir OC REV CPh Dir OC REVPhase A current in reverse directionPhase B current in reverse directionPhase C current in reverse directionAt least one phase current in reverse directionPhase Reversal Phase Rev PKPPhase Rev OPPhase Rev InhibitThe phase reversal element has picked upThe phase reversal element has operatedThe phase reversal start inhibit occursPhase UV Ph UV 1 PKPPh UV 1 PKP APh UV 1 PKP BPh UV 1 PKP CPh UV 1 OPPh UV 1 OP APh UV 1 OP BPh UV 1 OP CPh UV 2At least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedThe same set of operands as per Phase UV 1Phase OV Ph OV 1 PKPPh OV 1 PKP APh OV 1 PKP BPh OV 1 PKP CPh OV 1 OPPh OV 1 OP APh OV 1 OP BPh OV 1 OP CPh OV 2At least one phase of phase overvoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of phase overvoltage element 1 has picked upPhase B of phase overvoltage element 1 has picked upPhase C of phase overvoltage element 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase overvoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of phase overvoltage element 1 has operatedPhase B of phase overvoltage element 1 has operatedPhase C of phase overvoltage element 1 has operatedThe same set of operands as per Phase OV 1Power Factor PF Trip PKPPF Trip OPPF Alarm PKPPF Alarm OPThe power factor (trip) has pickup upThe power factor (trip) has operatedThe power factor alarm has picked upThe power factor alarm has operatedProgrammablePushbuttonsPB 1 ONPB 1 OFFPushbuttons 2 and 3Pushbutton 1 ON state has been assertedPushbutton 1 OFF state has been assertedThe same set of operands as shown for Pushbutton 1ELEMENT OPERANDS EVENT DESCRIPTION