4–308 889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALMONITORING CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTSApparent Power DemandThe Apparent Power Demand is monitored by comparing to a Pickup value. If the ApparentPower Demand Pickup is ever equalled or exceeded, the relay can be configured to causean alarm or signal an output relay.Path: Setpoints > Monitoring > Functions > Demand > Apparent Power Demand 1(X)FUNCTIONRange: Disabled, Alarm, Latched Alarm, ConfigurableDefault: DisabledMEASUREMENT TYPERange: Blk Interval, Exponential, Rolling DmdDefault: Blk IntervalThe setting sets the measurement method. Three methods can be applied.THERMAL 90% RESPONSE TIMERange: 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 minDefault: 15 minThe setpoint sets the time required for a steady state Apparent Power to indicate 90% ofthe actual value and allows the user to approximately match the response of the relayto analog instruments. The setpoint is visible only if MEASUREMENT TYPE is “ThermalExponential”.TIME INTERVALRange: 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 minDefault: 20 minThe setpoint sets the time period over which the Apparent Power Demand calculation isto be performed. The setpoint is visible only if MEASUREMENT TYPE is “Block Interval” or“Rolling Demand”.PICKUPRange: 0.1 to 300000.0 kVA in steps of 0.1 kVADefault: 1000.0 kVAThe setting sets the Apparent Power Demand Pickup level.BLOCKRange: Off, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: OffOUTPUT RELAY XFor details see Common Setpoints.EVENTSRange: Enabled, DisabledDefault: EnabledTARGETSRange: Disabled, Self-reset, LatchedDefault: Self-reset