CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTS CONTROL889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–347Path: Setpoints > Control > Local Control ModeFor this path the HMI menus vary depending on the order code and the number ofbreakers selected.NOTENOTE:For relays supporting single breaker control, the SW Local Open and SW Local Closesetpoints appear in the menu only if the relay is ordered with Advanced SLD; and the“Select Before Operate” setpoint is set to “Enabled”. In all other cases, these setpoints arehidden and inactive.SELECT BEFORE OPERATERange: Disabled, EnabledDefault: DisabledThis setpoint is included in the Local Control Mode menu only if the 8-series relaysupports one breaker. This setpoint is omitted for relays supporting more than onebreaker.When the Select Before Operate (SBO) is set to Disabled, and Local Mode is set, thebreaker control can be performed directly by pressing the corresponding front panelpushbuttons (or those mounted in close proximity to the relay). No component selectionor additional confirmation is needed. The same applies when the breaker control is inRemote mode.CAUTION:When SBO is disabled, all local and remote flags such as blocking, bypassing, andtagging are reset.Setting the SBO to Enabled enables the navigation and the selection of a componentfrom the SLD, so that the pushbuttons Open or Close from the front panel (or thosemounted in close proximity to the relay) can be used in Local Mode only after thecomponent is selected. All flags such as blocking, bypassing and tagging can be initiatedduring this mode. Blocking and bypassing can also be initiated remotely, when inRemote Mode.LOCAL MODERange: Off, On, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: order code dependant (On or Pushbutton 5 OFF)For the 10 PB faceplate 11-ARange: Off, On, Any FlexLogic operandDefault: Pushbutton 5 OffThe LOCAL MODE setting places the relay in local mode. The relay is in Remote mode, ifnot forced into Local mode by this setpoint (i.e. LOCAL mode set to Disabled, or theselected input de-asserted). When in Local Mode, both Breakers and Disconnectswitches can be controlled using the faceplate pushbuttons and SLD pushbuttons.BKR SW SELECT TIMEOUTRange: 1 to 10 min in steps of 1 minDefault: 5 minThis setting specifies the available time for open/close commands, after a breaker or adisconnect switch has been selected in the single line diagram.BKR LOCAL OPENRange: Off, Pushbutton 1 ON,.......Pushbutton 10 ON, Contact Input XDefault: Pushbutton 1 ONThis setpoint is active, when Local Mode is activated. The breaker open command can beinitiated by the selected faceplate pushbutton.