CHAPTER 4: SETPOINTS DEVICE889 GENERATOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 4–7Simplified configuration mode does not remove any functionality or setting from thedevice. It only controls the view or display of the settings. All the settings made in Regularconfiguration mode are still applied during simplified mode (they are either hidden orread-only). Therefore, simplified configuration mode can also be viewed as lockingadvanced setpoints.Configuration mode is applicable to the “Setpoints” items only and does not control view/presentation to other Main menu items, such as Device Definition, Status, Metering,Records, Commands and Maintenance. The configuration mode setting is available to bechanged by the “Administrator” role. The configuration mode control is applicable todevice HMI and setup software, as well as online and offline setting files.NOTENOTE:Configuration mode does not disable the device functionality or settings. It only controlsthe view or presentation on the HMI and setup software screens. Therefore, settings whichare hidden or Read-only are preserved and applied within the device.The homepage shows the home icon which changes color according to the configurationmode. When in Simplified configuration mode, the home icon color changes to green.When in Regular mode, the home icon color stays blue.Example 1: More about the setting items view controlThe Phase TOC 1 function in Regular mode has 14 setpoints made available to edit (read-write). In the case of Simplified mode this function has only 6 out of the 14 setpoints madeavailable to edit (read-write), 5 setpoints are hidden, and 3 setpoints are read/view-only.NOTENOTE:All setpoints under Regular mode are still applied and used by the device. For example the“Input” is hidden but configured as “Phasor” during Regular mode, therefore Phase TOC 1still applies “Phasor” as an input. Similarly, “Reset” is read-only, and Phase TOC 1 stillapplies “Instantaneous” for resetting. The read-only settings are greyed out.Figure 4-4: Comparing the setpoints for Regular and Simplified mode5HJXODr Simplified..\Current\Phase TOC 1Item Name Value UnitFunction DisabledSignal Input CT Bank 1 -J1Input PhasorPickup 1.000 x CTCurve IEEE Mod InverseTDM 1.00Reset InstantaneousDirection DisabledVoltage Restraint DisabledVolt Lower Limit 0.1 p.u.Block OffRelays Do Not OperateEvents EnabledTargets Self-ResetPTOC 1..\Current\Phase TOC 1Item Name Value UnitFunction DisabledSignal Input CT Bank 1 -J1Pickup 1.000 x CTCurve IEEE Mod InverseTDM 1.00Reset InstantaneousDirection DisabledVoltage Restraint DisabledRelays Do Not OperatePTOC 1